A big BIG thank you to all of the finalists of my very first Cutest Kid Contest! Some of you really had the votes coming in! There was a few glitches with the poll during the first week, but we straightened it out and the second week was a great success! The winner of the contest will receive a FREE photo session, a FREE 11x14 print and the session will be featured on my website (www.ZomaStudio.com) for one month. And so, I'm excited to announce, the winner of the Cutest Kid Contest is.....

Second place will receive a photo session at 50% OFF the regular price and a FREE 11x14 print! Second place goes to.....

Third place will also receive a photo session at 50% OFF the regular price and a FREE 8x10 print! And third place goes to.....

I am also offering the rest of the finalists a photo session at 25% OFF the regular price and a FREE 8x10 print to show my appreciation!
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